Hi to myself again for being stopped quite a long time. now, im back with no student's title status anymore. just finished my degree few past months ago and now have been attached with media specialist for full time working status. wow! i've been working but started missing all those being student's moment and environment. so life goes well and very2 busy being part of media industry. life is not that easy and everything is all about work nowadays. rushing + double work+urgent time+ deadlines+clients' demands and needs+sleep less+long working hours+late nite out from work! its all about current life and need to be adapt to those situation.
I need to adapt to this situation and motivate myself in order to be a competitive in this industry. we're starting with not too high salary ranking but the experiences is counting in order to be succeed. i want to try being part of this industry first. put more effort and gain more exposure and try to stay as long enough as i can. maybe and insyaAllah, if God willing that's my current ambition. besides, 'rezeki' is everywhere as far as we are non-stop searching and work hard for it.
So, notes to myself, just grab the opportunity in front of mine and keep telling positive words in maintain the track and do keep catching other chances too. No matter how hard I work for myself, never forget to get some time for my own self, family and friends who always by my side. chilling is important too to prevent the apprehension. Let's work it out to put away the pressure. Live well! :D